Saying good-bye can be bittersweet; but I've found that moving forward has great reward.
We can cherish the special moments, learn from mistakes, all the while keeping our eyes on what the LORD has for us in the days to come.2015 was a year full of special surprises and sad news .. Our first grandbaby was born! It's a BOY! I was privileged to help our daughter through her long back labor and delivery. After 50+ hours she held the most beautiful healthy baby boy! Praise the LORD, mom and baby did great!!
Our first born son met his sweetheart and announced their engagement to married!
All of our 6 children are now official drivers. (when did they grow up so fast?)
We bought the cutest puppy, a Great Pyrenese and realized that our yard set up and my puppy patience was not suited to his needs; so we sold him to a nice family who live in the mountains and raise goats. Milo, the puppy, is enjoying his God-given purpose to the fullest!
My husband's father finally let the family know that he has cancer...advanced. This has been a great struggle for all the family; but by the grace of God and by the LORD's abundant mercies, we take each day .. one by one.
I have finished many hand working projects! I say "finished" because I have many projects on going all the time, so, it's AWESOME to get them done! 1 baby quilt -- for our grandson! 1 lap quilt for our youngest daughter, 2 pairs of fingerless mitts for friends, 1 set of hand stitched napkins, 2 hand sewn hexagon chair covers, 1 wall quilt for the livingroom, 2 pencil pouches, 2 hexie pin cushions, and 1 Bible cover. Wow! I didn't realize how many things I made... it's been therapeutic and joy-filled gift giving *smiles*
I'm sure that we all have accomplished far more than we take time to consider. The beauty of this is that the LORD knows what we've done (or not done) and that as we move forward this new year we will keep one thing at the forefront of our motivation --
"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ." -Colossians 3:23-24
Happy New Year, dear ones!
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