Monday, September 26, 2016

And so it goes

Are you kidding me right now?  Does anyone else see the significance of this??  This photo of the earthquake that was in Oklahoma earlier this month is so loud to me.  Ahhh... but it's the's not God doing it... ARE YOU SERIOUS right now? I have continued to question if I was SUPPOSED to keep posting on my blog.  Who reads this anyway, besides myself??  I get interrupted or called away or the children are home and just want to talk to me...(and really that's okay with me .. my people are important to me).  OR I sit down and pick up my current handwork project and work on that.  Anything and everything but write.   And so it happening...continuing on as if the urgency of God's word does not apply to us .. AND THEN THERE'S THIS SCRIPTURE VERSE THAT JUMPS OUT AT ME:  Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying, Where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation."  -II Peter 3:3-4 Are you a scoffer?? We don't have the time later to do what must be done today.  Our stance before the LORD is so very important!  How do I stand before the LORD?  God knows, yet it is for me to keep myself humble, holy, and upright before him.  And to be ready to answer for the the Hope that is in me.  Time is limited.  Time is of the essence.  We are living in the end times and the Father God will send Jesus to catch away his Bride at any moment.  I must get off my duff and do something!!  And my doing is writing to those of you who read this blog. When the LORD put the ink on paper for us in LUKE 21:11, do you think he knew that the scoffers would say that God had nothing to do with earthquakes in various places all over the world at the same time ... because of FRACKING??!!   Do you truly believe that the LORD GOD Almighty didn't know well enough that everything in the world today would have some academic, scientist, expert, think-he-so-smart explaining away God's hand?? Even the so called Christian pastors are (from the pulpit) explaining away what Jesus himself said would happen.  OH MY!!! Several years ago I asked the LORD, 'what is it that I should be doing now? What is my part to play?' I was reading the book of Revelation -- in particular, the first 4 chapters.  These 4 chapters are specific to the church.  So..that's for me and you, if you are a Christian.  Then I read Jude and really paid attention to verses 20-23 ..
"But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, 
keep yourselves in the love of God, 
looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.  
And of some have compassion, making a difference: 
and of others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment spotted by the flesh."
I'll watch and pray. Write and encourage. Blog and pull others out of the fire of deception, vanity, and self....I pray that we will build ourselves up on our most holy faith and that we would be counted worthy to escape the wrath to come.
God is going to do what he said he would do!!  And that the end is now and there is a falling away going on among Christians, and time is of the essence for Jesus to catch us AWAY --OUT OF THIS WORLD -- ESCAPE THE WRATH TO COME!  
If you'd like prayer, have questions or comments, contact me.
Hugs, dear reader,

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Needlepoint, Flowers, and Noah

( N E E D L E P O I N T & Flowers ) 🌸Did I tell you that I really enjoy doing handwork? Well, I do..hehehe.. This little jewel, was sent to me last year by my mom. The flower was already stitched and I just had to choose a background color and stitch the rest. It has been so enjoyable! 🍂Much like this lovely weather we've been having here.

 🍂Autumn/Fall is such a pleasant season yet it brings the foreboding thought of winter. Most of us want to hang onto the friendly temperatures and cheerful activities and ignore that winter is to follow. 

💨It really caused me to think about what the LORD has planned for those who fear him and for those who reject Jesus as their ONLY Saviour. Then this Scripture verse pops into my head --

"For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away; BUT THE WORD OF THE LORD ENDURETH FOREVER. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you." -I Peter 1:24-25. 

Jesus is our blessed hope! He is the Word of God made flesh and dwelt among us! -John 1:14. 

And Jesus Christ is coming soon to catch us away!  Revelation 22:7 

Those who reject Jesus are in for a very harsh winter! As in the days of Noah, they were eating, drinking, and making merry in their rejection of God Almighty enjoying their gross sin and well... They were destroyed.😳Only Noah and his family were saved..because Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD (Gen. 6:8). 

Jesus said it would be the same in the last we are, dear one, in those very last days .. Please, I beg you to turn to, to turn back to God the Father as your only hope through Jesus Christ his only begotten Son and our Saviour.

 Time is running out -- "Today if you hear his voice, harden not your hearts" 💞
 #compelled #compassion #flowers #needlepoint#praywithoutceasing #wordofgod

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

School Days - don't be the fool

So, as other families are in the full routine of school and academics, we are not.  Our season of traditional mandatory school is complete. It's a little surreal, to be honest.  I have more time now to work on projects and study things that are interesting to me.  And with that, I am still continually asking the LORD what I should study.  I love the Psalms.  I've been studying there in my "A Year in Psalms"... but there is something pressing .. something in my heart that just doesn't stop..

It is so big and important that I've been leery of sharing online.  Because most do not want to read about it, hear about it, be reminded of it and are happy to stay in their little circles of #getyourearstickledhere.  Though most would ardently argue they don't belong to any such groups,  I have observed in my little town that they couldn't be more wrong.

When I was still in school and then when I began our own homeschooling, one thing that helped me in the subject of learning and teaching math was that math is constant.  It didn't change with the centuries, one plus one is always two.  Measuring, counting, and figuring was always the same.  If you know the formula, then you will find the answer.  and in principle -- easy peasy.

There is something of greater value and preeminence that is more constant, more stable, more sure than mathematics.  And yet, more and more have chosen to ignore the essential truth to life. . . are you ready for it? wait for it ...

GOD ALMIGHTY and His Written Word 
(Malachi 3:6, Psalm 119:160, Hebrews 13:8) 

Do you know what time it is?  
  1.  politics?
  2.  football?
  3.  pumpkin everything and baking?
  4.  three months of decorating and festivities?
  "While it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation." -Hebrews 3:15

The time is HEAR THE VOICE OF THE LORD.  Why?  So that we will not be carried away by the wickedness of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, nor be given over to believe a lie.

You're probably saying right now, thanks Cristina, but I'm good...I'm ok... don't worry about me, I'm going to the ladies conference this fall, I've joined the media team at my church, I host a lifegroup...yada, yada, yada...bla...bla...bla...

WHATEVER!  my eyes are rolling....can you see what..that only means you are joining the #getyourearstickledhere group.

I must speak abruptly, directly, and sharply because the time is URGENT and what needs to be said NEEDS TO BE HEARD.

JESUS IS COMING TO CATCH AWAY HIS BRIDE -- AT ANY MOMENT ..Jesus bride is the true Church of born again, Bible (only) believing Christians who are awaiting his return with joy.  This does not include those who have one foot or both feet in the world.

A very humbling and sobering reminder is that we MUST watch and pray that we might be counted worthy to escape the wrath to come.  Jesus said that.  And yes, I'm an escapist!!  Gladly.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. -Luke 21:36 

I strongly urge you to read Revelation chapters 1-4

  • Do you agree that the Church of the New Testament is the body of Christ? Christians? the Bride of Christ?  

If so, to whom is Jesus speaking in the first four chapters of Revelation?

And since we read plainly that Jesus is speaking to the Church -- you and me -- if you are a Christian, then we MUST HEED HIS ADMONITION!!

Humble yourself, repent, watch and pray, don't be dull of hearing, don't be of those to whom the LORD will give over to believe a lie.

Search it out for yourself:

  • James 4:6
  • II Timothy 3:4 and 4:3
  • Acts 28:27
  • II Thessalonians 2:11
  • Psalm 53:1
  • Revelation 21:8
  • Matthew 18:35

The LORD is merciful and it is his goodness that leads us to repentance. (Romans 2:4)

Call upon the LORD JESUS CHRIST and you shall be saved. (Romans 10:13)

Because God loves you to save you out of yourself and hell -- hell is very real and is reserved for all who refuse to repent, forgive, and fear God

DOWNLOAD and PRINT this to search the Scriptures for yourself

Friday, September 9, 2016

to everything there is a season

  ... and a time to every purpose under the heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1

Hello, September!  Everyone is a buzz with the crisp air, blue skies, and pumpkin spice EVERYTHING!  A new season approaches as the northern hemisphere welcomes autumn...summer is nearly at it's close and ready to put away the flipflops and start wearing our boots.

Summer, for our family, was a flurry of adventures.  It's been a while since we've enjoyed the summer as much as we did this year.  We thank the LORD continually for his kindnesses!  Curt and I were able to enjoy some roadtrips.  All together we drove over 4,ooo miles in the month of August alone!  We visited family in Texas and in Washington state.  The LORD provided the means and opened the doors for us to be able to do so.

 the little cabin we got to stay in during our visit to the Seattle area

I finished and mailed the quilt I was working on for my little sister and her family.  (She loved it!)

If you love to read, you should check out the book section at your local thrift stores.  We visited lots of thrift stores along the way and found some delightful books!  I've really enjoyed sitting down and reading book-books. (paper not kindle )  These books have encouraged me to be a better wife, mama, granny, and keeper of our home...and that's a good thing!

Here are some of the titles we found: (also available on Amazon)
  • IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF SHEEP by Debbie Zawinski
  •   (this book I'm excited about because she has patterns for knitting the socks she's made along her journey .. way cool!)
As I have enjoyed this summer of rest and restoring my soul, the LORD has reminded me that it's now time to get back to posting encouragements here .. on this blog.  I asked the LORD many times these few months, should I even write online?  Does anyone read this?  But the answer is for me to write and if you stop by and pause to read, then that's between you and the LORD.  I am just to share what the LORD puts on my heart.  

And with that, I ask you, dear reader, how was your summer? Have you given the Lord God place in your days? Are you ready for the LORD to lead you, correct you, strengthen you, and be your hope?

God the Father is sending Jesus at any moment to catch away his Bride -- are your ready?  You should be! There is no time to waste!! and read your Bible :)

Make sure your heart is pure before the LORD.

As Jesus said in Luke 21:36  Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Cleaning Out The Fridge

Hello there girls!  I just opened the fridge to get things out to make dinner and actually noticed that it's time... It's time to stop looking at the dirty shelves with stuck-on goo and actually clean it up.  Eeewwww!  Why do I wait so long!  I keep telling myself, "I'll get to that"; yet I never do.  But maybe that's only me.  I know there are many ladies out there who are much better at cleaning than I am...but I'm sure there is something dirty over there that she'll get to eventually... I was attending a short Bible study this spring and at the close of the session, the teacher suggested we all read the book of Proverbs for the next month.  Sure, I can do that.  As I was reading along, come day 6,  I saw a similarity to cleaning the fridge.   When was the last time I cleaned out the old stinky wait-to-get-to-later junk in my heart?  Those things we think aren't high on the priority list?  Things that are maybe 'not that bad'?  Let's take a look at Proverbs chapter 6 and see what I'm talking about. In verses 14-19 there is a series of bad qualities that we are to avoid at all cost...yet we too often find that they have made their way into our heart and may have even begun to grow some really nasty moldy stinky yuck.   "Frowardness is in his heart, he deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord. Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy. These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren." What things have you let sit in your heart without cleaning it up?  A little left-over resentment?  Some self serving excuses that keep you from humility and forgiveness?  Or that not-so-good self preservation and retaliation?   Left to sit, those things will grow, fester, and ruin the rest of your heart .. Clean it out!  Repent.  Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God.   LOOK UP the following Scripture verses:
  • Psalm 51
  • I Peter 5:6-10
  • Mark 11:25-26
  • Micah 6:8
Write your conclusions and have a chat with the LORD... You'll feel better and be blessed in the process    

Monday, May 9, 2016

it was a good day!

This snapshot was captured during the photography session before the wedding by my sweet sentimental husband aka.. father of the groom.  We've been a little busier than usual.  Our oldest son got married to a jewel of a young lady!  We are so happy for them!!

Ahh, we get to enjoy such a lovely season of life.  At the time of this post, our son has been married for a whole month now!  I've paused much of my handwork and quieted myself before the LORD.

We need that.  "Be still and know that I AM GOD", he says to us in Psalm 42.  There are far too many unimportant things that draw our attention away from our God, the God of all hope, and of all comfort.

I pray that you will take the time each morning to sit quietly with your Bible and maybe a cup of coffee and listen to the written Word of God speak to your very soul.

Do you have a journal?  It's a great help for me to have my journal with me as I read my Bible.  I write my prayer requests and then answers to prayer.  I write my thoughts, or what the Lord is speaking to my heart.  Many many times I simply copy the verses that jump out at me. (It's great to practice my penmanship, too)

as you can see .. I need more practice :)

Until next time,
May the God of all comfort, comfort your hearts in Christ Jesus!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

SUPPLY LIST for your adventure of a lifetime

Forrest the sheep on his first motorcycle 

    We went out to visit our friends and meet their new lambs a few weeks ago and really enjoyed our time.  This is one of their lambs, Forrest.  Forrest is one of triplets born early this spring.  He almost didn't survive, but his loving shepherdess took great care of him!  My friend stayed up late, got up early, making sure he was doing okay. The mama sheep rejected Forrest because he was born the runt and had a lame leg. The shepherdess milked the mama sheep to get milk in order to bottle-feed Forrest.  Amazing.  It was a lot of hard work, but look at him now!! He's doing great!!  And he was such a good sport during this cute photo shoot.

    I love sheep!  When you get the opportunity to be around sheep, you really have your eyes opened to in a tangible way, to understand the LORD our Great Shepherd and we the sheep of his pasture. 

Forrest looks like he's ready for his adventure, doesn't he?  Are you ready?

LESSON 2 | download & print 

   When traveling, the adventure, the excitement, or the joy is not about the destination alone, it's not just the getting from point A to point B, but it is as they say,  'the joy is in the journey'.  But WHY doesn't it feel the same in our walk with God? You know that part of travel that's exciting, beautiful, memory making, scrapbook keeping, Instagram posting?? Well ... because ... we are being lied to .. at every turn .. by false teachers, false prophets, by the posers of this generation, and ultimately by the devil, the father of lies.  
   There are two prevailing lies told to those who are seeking God and wanting the truth. 
  1.  You can't have any more fun in your life -- you have to give up everything you once called fun. (victim, false humility, hypocrisy)
  2.  You do not have to give up anything -- you can keep your passions, hobbies, and goals -- the spirit will help you obtain whatever you want. (indulgence, selfish, me-time)

   In our Year in Psalms, we WILL seek God and ask HIM what he has to say about this.  What then makes the adventure pleasant, enjoyable, and 'the experience of a lifetime'? Could it be the people we meet? the beautiful and interesting places we see? the foods we taste? and the memories we make?

    Please know that this walk with God is all of that and MORE!  Because, unlike a European vacation, a trip to Disney, or fishing in Alaska, our walk with God is eternal and has everlasting rewards.  The things of this earth will fade away and if they are not pleasing to God, will be forgotten forever. 

 BUT, the Word of God will stand forever. Guaranteed.

      A Year in Psalms is not about finding yourself, it is about searching out, finding, and knowing who the Almighty God is.  In so doing, we will have the experience of a lifetime!


Each chapter of the book of Psalms tells us something about the Creator of heaven and earth, let's get going, we've got so much to discover!!

PSALM 1 : The LORD knows everything.  
     This is a good and sobering place to begin.  The word is omniscient: ALL KNOWING

     When we are applying for a new job, looking for a mechanic, a good restaurant, or a babysitter, we want to know if the food is good, if the company is reputable, if the mechanic is trustworthy, and if the babysitter is responsible and loving.  We also ask for references or recommendations. 

If you go to a den of thieves and ask them to recommend a mechanic, suffice it to say, they will recommend a fellow thief --

If you go to someone who doesn't eat meat, a vegan and ask them where the best steak can be found, they wouldn't know or you'd be eating a bean burger --

If you walk into the county jail and ask if someone has a good babysitter, you'd be entrusting the care of your precious child to the mouths of ravening wolves -- 

Why??? then would someone seek to know and walk with God in like manner???

Asking men and women about spirituality, about God, and not the very written word of God Almighty, who knows everything, all things, the end from the beginning, all eternity past, all eternity future, all of what is happening today in every nation, every city, every place of business, every home and every single heart .. is just plain dumb.   He not only knows more .. he knows ALL!

Let's define some words from Psalm 1 to help us have clarity:  (Use the Noah Webster 1828 dictionary to accurately define these words.)
  • WAY
Now, let's pick up our supplies for this Year in Psalms!!  Next to each verse, write the supplies you find written there. Which ones are you to pick up?  Make sure you don't overpack; space is limited. Make a list of those things you are not permitted to bring on this journey.
  • II Corinthians 5:17
  • Matthew 11:28-30
  • Ephesians 6:10-18
  • I Peter 1:13
  • Colossians 3:8-14
  • I Peter 5:5
  • Psalm 116:13
  • Proverbs 4:13
  • Ephesians 4:22
  • II Timothy 2:19
  • Psalm 141:4
  • I Timothy 4:1

This is getting so exciting!!  I'm very thankful that you are coming along with me!!  Let's chat.  Questions? Comments? Ah-Ha! moments?  connect with me! 

aka Granny

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Welcome to Base Camp

Since moving to the US Northwest, I've become more familiar with mountainy things...I spent most of my life in the greater metro area of 'Far' Eastern Kansas.  City - yes. Rolling hills - yes. Proper mountains - no.   Ruby shoes - not those either (hehehe)  

My husband, on the other hand, grew up in the mountains - proper mountains.  So we've been here nearly 9 years now and I still feel a little like a fish out of water.  I love the outdoors, I love walks and hikes, babbling streams, and tall pine trees.  I do not like, however, 100 ft cliffs, drop-offs, nor switchback roads.  Meadows, tall grass, and the gentle breezes call me.  

One thing that I had to learn pretty quick was to ALWAYS BE PREPARED when in the mountains, or even when driving through the mountains.  Remember the 1988 movie, The Man From Snowy River?  When the two main characters are riding horseback up in the mountains and the girl says, 'It's so beautiful here.' to which the guy replies, 'yeah, the mountains are always changing' .. I don't remember exactly, but the conversation is such that they are in awe of the beauty and majesty of the scenery but must be critically aware of the weather... their surroundings. 

Our walk with the LORD is similar.  It's the most beautiful walk we'll ever encounter; yet there is a very real enemy always lurking about seeking to destroy us.  We must WATCH and PRAY.  

LESSON 1 | BASE CAMP download & print

Our strength and nourishment for our walk with the LORD comes from the LORD himself and we have easy access to him by Jesus Christ .. the Word of God.  Not only did Jesus give his life an atonement for sin but also gave us the written Word of God for our instruction, reproof, encouragement, comfort, strengthening .. our life.  In Jesus, we have all that pertains to life and godliness. (II Peter 1:3)

In this first week in A Year in Psalms, lets start with Psalm 23.  Psalm 23 will be our base camp.  
In mountaineering terms, base camp is an area used for staging an attempt at the summit.  Base camps are positioned to be safe from the harsher conditions above, a place of refuge, a respite along the journey.

Like all good mountaineers, hikers, and campers, we need to sit down and have a talk with someone who has been there before, who knows the best trails, knows what to avoid and where the 'can't miss' views are located.  We need to get our pack ready.  Our experienced and faithful guide is the LORD Jesus Christ himself, as it is written of him : our chief Shepherd. (I Peter 5:4) Jesus is the Author and Finisher of our faith.  He knows it all!! 

Verse one of Psalm 23 reads: "The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want."  
First and foremost, we cannot do this alone.  All smart and living mountaineers know that you don't travel alone.  It is far too risky and dangerous.  

In our life, especially our life walk with the LORD God, we cannot go it alone.  It is impossible.  Have no fear, the LORD is our Shepherd.  Let's get over to base camp and see what the LORD has ready for us.

Have you met Jesus Christ, the great Shepherd?  He is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE and no man can come to GOD THE FATHER but by him. 

Sin, lies, and the cares of this world will hinder and prevent people from coming to God.  God Almighty is God .. He is HOLY, and Righteous and gave his only begotten son, Jesus Christ as our perfect Saviour. God gave the world Jesus.  Jesus obeyed God his Father and left heaven, was born a man of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on the cross and took all the sin of all humanity, was buried, and God raised him from the dead on the third day -- alive! victorious!   

When we realize our depravity, sin, and hopelessness, our need of God by Jesus Christ and choose to believe that Jesus Christ is who he said he is .. the Son of Almighty God and our redeemer, then we can continue on this trekk toward meeting God face to face. 

IMPORTANT FYI:  Hell is a real place.  Heaven is a real place.  Hell is a place designed for the devil and his angels (aka demons) Matthew 25:41.  God Almighty is not willing that any should perish but that all come to repentance.  (II Peter 3:9)  ALL who reject Jesus as the Son of God and Saviour of men, will go to hell with the devil.  Repentance is a turning away from and forsaking your own self and your own way of doing things and turning to God and obeying God's way of life found in the written Scriptures.  

 However, if you do not repent and call on the name of the LORD and be saved .. well, my friend, you are not allowed passed base camp. (For the purpose of illustration, we are using hiking and mountaineering to give us a picture of our walk with the LORD.  Similar to the parable Jesus told us in the book of John chapter 10.) 

Jesus said that I am the door, .. Let's see in writing what he said:  John 10:6-18

 "This parable spake Jesus unto them: but they understood not what things they were which he spake unto them. 
 Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. 
  All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them. 
  I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. 
  The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. 
  I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. 
  But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep. 
  The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep. 
  I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. 
  As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep. 
  And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. 
  Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. 
  No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father. "
A M E N !

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want"  

Once we have met our great shepherd, we will see what awaits us to get our pack ready, ie; our supplies and equipment... coming up next time .. 

--- DIG DEEPER ---

Look Up:  
  • Psalm 37
  • Luke 20:17
  • I Peter 2:7
  • Ephesisans 6:10-19

Thursday, April 14, 2016

would you like to come along?

"Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: and let such as love thy salvation say continually, LET GOD BE MAGNIFIED."  ~Psalm 70:4  

Oh! I just love this time of year!!  It's mid-way through spring, and the earth is just starting to look alive again.  Well, the earth around here. We live in the high desert and I will take all the greenery I can get!  This region relies on irrigation supplied from the water from the mountains.  In the late summer through mid-spring, the water is turned "off"for outside things.  When the water is let out from the reservoir, the rivers run full, and the canals call to the ducks, geese, and critters, then things begin to really grow and the valley comes alive!

With all this lively activity, my heart also yearns for the pure water of the written word of God. As it is written,  "To the chief Musician, Maschil, for the sons of Korah. As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. " ~Psalm 42:1

So, I was talking to the LORD this morning, (I have recently finished reading through the Bible. I had a little Bible reading schedule, and I've come to the close of that.)  So, I asked him 'What can I study with you, LORD? Where in Scripture can we meet and you show me more of YOU?' And the LORD said, 'Psalms'.  Hmm...ok.. 'But, LORD, I would like something meatier than just reading through Psalms.'  Then I understood.  It wasn't just a reading through; but rather a journey through -- A Year in Psalms.

Like many who are looking for an adventure, trekking, soul searching, or just something out of the dreariness of winter, we are going to GO to Psalms .. as if it were a location .. a destination.  We will see the sights, taste the goodness, meet the people, and learn of the LORD!

I am so excited!!!!!  You are welcome and invited to join me.  This adventure will be worth its weight in gold .. actually, it will be more precious than gold as our faith WILL grow, and our relationship with God Almighty will be richer, sweeter, and stronger than before.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Computers and Paper Piece Quilts


Hello Dear Ladies,

I've been away from you for too long..and I apologize.  Since the announcement of This Granny's House Blog, my computer has been 'down'.  I can only laugh about it, really.  The problem? Someone tripped on the power cord and yanked it out of it's spot causing it to break on the inside portion of the laptop.  Battery died.  No recharging available until the adapter was repaired...and there it sat for 3 weeks or so...But now it's all better!! and I can write to you and do the dance of  * joy! *

So while I was waiting for my computer to be ready, I started a new quilting project using the English Paper Piecing method.  I am having so much fun!!  It is all sewn by hand and requires a "slow living" approach.  Why be in a hurry? My computer is down, the house is quiet, and the laundry can wait.  

I'll post progress photos of my Honeycomb Flower Garden quilt soon (aka Grandmother's flower garden .. very appropriate, huh? *giggle, giggle*

Here's a great video done by a Mom and her daughter at the quilt shop :) Enjoy!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Fresh Bread!

I just love hot out of the oven, fresh homemade bread!!  And don't forget the butter .. not margarine .. Butter!

Doesn't everyone love fresh homemade bread?  Many more folks are giving up this wonderful food. It really makes me sad for them.  There is so much going around now about "gluten-free" - I really have mixed feelings about it... After all the Scriptures say alot about bread and how it's good for you and such.. But, I'll leave that for another time.
    So, if you are not in the "gluten-free" camp, I hope that this recipe will fill your tummy with delight.  


Makes 2 dozen rolls or 4 loaves -- Plenty to share or freeze for later
  • 3 Tblsp yeast
  • 3 Tblsp sugar (or honey)
  • 5 Cups warm (not hot) water
  • 2 Tblsp *Real* Salt (not processed table salt - available at most grocers but not at Walmart or Target ) {CLICK HERE to read more about the benefits of REAL SALT}
  • 1 Cup Old Fashioned Oats
  • 1 Cup Whole Wheat Flour
  • 7-8 Cups of Unbleached White flour
  • 1/4 Cup oil (I prefer olive oil but vegetable or sunflower oil is good, too)

(Opps! I forgot to include the oil and whole wheat flour in the photo)

-- Put water, yeast, sugar, and Whole Wheat Flour in bowl -- stir and let sit for 5 minutes or so to allow the yeast to "burst". This is when the mixture looks bubbly and frothy

(This is my Bosch mixer.  I love it!  It makes awesome mashed potatoes, too)

-- Mix in oats, oil,salt, and white flour - mix WELL with wooden spoon, hands or in your mixer (using the dough hooks)
-- Knead dough for approximately 4-5 minutes until the dough forms a large ball and is "tacky" to the touch. Not "sticky" to your fingers
-- Let rise 45 minutes

-- Punch down and form into balls place on a greased cookie sheet (I use Pam spray, well the winco brand) *OR* divide into four log shapes and put into sprayed loaf pans 
--Let rise another 30 minutes (near the oven, the warmth will help the dough to rise better)
--Preheat oven 425
-- Bake rolls for 20 minutes *OR* the loaves for 25-30 minutes -- top of bread will be golden brown.
Serve hot with butter and ENJOY!

  And wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oil to make his face to shine, and bread which strengtheneth man's heart. - Psalm 104:15

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Good-Bye 2015

Saying good-bye can be bittersweet; but I've found that moving forward has great reward. 

 We can cherish the special moments, learn from mistakes, all the while keeping our eyes on what the LORD has for us in the days to come.2015 was a year full of special surprises and sad news .. Our first grandbaby was born!  It's a BOY!  I was privileged to help our daughter through her long back labor and delivery.  After 50+ hours she held the most beautiful healthy baby boy!  Praise the LORD, mom and baby did great!!    

Our first born son met his sweetheart and announced their engagement to married! 

All of our 6 children are now official drivers.  (when did they grow up so fast?) 

We bought the cutest puppy, a Great Pyrenese and realized that our yard set up and my puppy patience was not suited to his needs; so we sold him to a nice family who live in the mountains and raise goats.  Milo, the puppy, is enjoying his God-given purpose to the fullest!      

My husband's father finally let the family know that he has cancer...advanced.  This has been a great struggle for all the family; but by the grace of God and by the LORD's abundant mercies, we take each day .. one by one.      

I have finished many hand working projects!  I say "finished" because I have many projects on going all the time, so, it's AWESOME to get them done!  1 baby quilt -- for our grandson!  1 lap quilt for our youngest daughter, 2 pairs of fingerless mitts for friends, 1 set of hand stitched napkins, 2 hand sewn hexagon chair covers, 1 wall quilt for the livingroom, 2 pencil pouches, 2 hexie pin cushions, and 1 Bible cover.  Wow! I didn't realize how many things I made... it's been therapeutic and joy-filled gift giving *smiles*      

I'm sure that we all have accomplished far more than we take time to consider.  The beauty of this is that the LORD knows what we've done (or not done) and that as we move forward this new year we will keep one thing at the forefront of our motivation -- 

"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ." -Colossians 3:23-24 

 Happy New Year, dear ones!